
With Aviya you get the ease and efficiency of a one-stop source for all of your certification needs. Our staff of certification experts and our relationships with industry leading DERs will support and guide you to develop and mature your internal processes and methodologies for compliance with DO-254, DO-160 and DO-178C.

Aviya’s proven Validation and Verification tools and processes provide a complete suite of testing building blocks to ensure thorough and complete requirements based testing for a successful certification. Our Closed Loop Bench proprietary test environment—with advanced scripting engine, automated execution, and high-fidelity modeling capability—allows full exercising of complex electronic hardware components from the FPGA level through to the circuit card and controller level.

Whether you are new to DO-254, DO-160 or DO-178C and looking for full certification support, or a mature organization looking for cost-effective outsourcing alternatives, Aviya is your answer.